Have fun while creating your favorite pet with these 10 easy pet Perler Bead patterns.
If there are two things we love in our family it’s Perler Beads and pets.
We’ve got 3 dogs, a cat, and I’ve even got a little fish I keep on my desk at work. I’m even one of those crazy dog ladies who has an Instagram account for her pups. You can check it out @stormy.and.friends if you want to see how stinking cute they are.
Anywho, I thought what better way to celebrate the things that we love than to combine them. That’s right, I’ve made 10 easy pet Perler Bead patterns for you to create.
Easy Pet Perler Bead Patterns
I tried to use a variety of different animals, so that you could have many to choose from. And I made sure that these patterns were super easy so even your smallest melting bead artist will have no trouble making them.
If you are new to the world of Perler Beads you may want to check out my Ultimate Perler Bead beginners guide. There you can find all kinds of tips and tricks on how to use any kind of fuse beads.
If you look through the list and don’t find a pattern that catches your eye check out my list of easy Perler Bead patterns. Several of the posts in the link also contain animals that are related to pets.
One final thing, I’ve sprinkled a couple of affiliate links in this post to a few great deals I’ve found on Amazon in case you need to stock up on your supplies.
Now, let’s make some cute pet Perler Bead patterns.
Perler Bead Husky Pattern
We love dogs of all kinds. So does the rest of the country, so I thought I’d start this post with a dog pattern. This Perler Bead husky can fit on a small Perler Bead pegboard. I added blue eyes, but a husky can also have amber or brown eyes. Some even have two different colored eyes, so feel free to get creative with your Perler Bead pup.
Perler Bead Fish
This Perler Bead design is the only one that does not use a square pegboard. You actually need a small hexagon pegboard to make it. If you don’t have a hexagon pegboard, I do have a fish in my Summer Perler bead pattern post that was made on a small square pegboard. He’s cute too.
Easy Perler Bead Cat Design
If you aren’t a fan of dogs, you just might be a cat person. Well here’s the cat pattern for you. Although I made it in white and gray, you could easily adapt the pattern colors to represent your favorite feline friend. If you choose to create a black cat, consider using pink for the nose and green or yellow for the eyes. It’s common coloring for cats and if you don’t significantly change the colors on those 3 beads your pattern won’t look right.
Turtle Perler Bead Pattern
I remember my 4th grade teacher had a turtle for a pet. It was an honor to get to care for him. If a turtle is your pet of choice, here’s a super simple pattern. You only need two colors of green and gray for the eye. This turtle is by far the easiest one to create, but he also might be one of the cutest. He’s actually small enough to make into a key chain.
Perler Bead Rabbit Pattern
Another classroom favorite is a rabbit. I love this cute little bunny pattern. It’s easy to make and like most of the other pet designs on this list it would be simple to modify the colors to suit your pet of choice.
Paw Print Perler Bead Pattern
I couldn’t make a post about Perler Bead pet patterns without including one of a paw print. I’ve seen this pattern blasted across this internet in more colors that I could ever imagine. Plus it’s the perfect size. It’s small enough that it could be turned into the keychain, and it’s large enough to glue a magnet on the back if you wanted to stick it on your fridge.
Easy Dog Perler Bead Pattern
Unlike the husky pattern this Perler Bead pattern is more of generic dog. I think he might be a labrador, but I like to think of him as a mutt. You can adapt the colors to make him into whatever dog you like.
Perler Bead Parakeet Pattern
Birds are another really popular pet, so I had to include them in my easy pet Perler Bead patterns. I choose to make a Parakeet, because I have always loved the coloring of a blue parakeet. They are such pretty birds. You could make your Perler Bead parakeet any color that you with though.
Perler Bead Cat
Here’s another for all you cat lovers. It’s the cute backside of a cat. Change the colors and it could look just like your cat. Although if you have a tortie like we do, it might be hard to get the coloring right.
Easy Perler Bead Hamster
We had a hamster growing up. His name was Fluffy, creative, right? We loved Fluffy, except at night when he was up all night. Well this Perler Bead hamster will never keep you up all night. All it will do is look cute in whatever colors you decide to make it.
So there you have it 10 easy pet Perler Bead patterns. Hopefully they inspire you to turn your own pet into a Perler Bead sprite.
Before you go, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter below. You’ll get all kinds of easy patterns delivered directly into your inbox. I’ve also got a great Pinterest board with many patterns, some are easy like the ones I showed you today, and some are more complex.