Looking for some fun and easy ways to celebrate May the 4th? Look no further than these 20 fun ways to celebrate Star Wars Day with your family.
Is your family as crazy about Star Wars as ours? I mean, we love it! We even have a Star Wars themed kitchen, complete with Star Wars dishware. When you’re into the Star Wars universe as much as we are, you’ve got to celebrate May the Fourth, also known as Star Wars Day.
That’s right! If you didn’t already know there is a day of celebration all over the galaxy just for Star Wars fans.
So how exactly DO you celebrate Star Wars Day? Any way that you want!! As a family, we do some kind of Star Wars activity every year on May the 4th. So I thought I’d gather this list for you of 20 ways to celebrate Star Wars as a family. I’ve got some great ideas, and hopefully enough variety that you can find something fun to do with your kids, no matter what their age.
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Watch a movie
My first suggestion is probably the most obvious, watch a Star Wars movie. I’m realistic, you aren’t going to sit down with your family and watch the whole saga. No mamma with kids has time for that, and we all know that few kids have the attention span for the whole saga. But, take a vote as a family as to which movie to watch. Make some popcorn and enjoy a Star Wars movie as a family.
Wear some Star Wars gear
If you’re the kind of Star Wars fans that we are, every member of your household has some kind of Star Wars gear. Heck you may have a ton of it, I know we do. Take your t-shirt, hair bows, dresses, shoes, whatever ya got, make sure that stuff is clean, and lay it out for your littles to wear in the morning.
If you want to buy something new to wear for Star Wars day, I’ve got a list on Amazon with reasonably priced Star Wars gear for everyone in the family. You can check it out HERE.
Wearing Star Wars gear is a small and simple way to celebrate Star Wars day, but you can bet your kids won’t be the only ones in school that day wearing their Star Wars gear.
Bake some cookies
Last year for Star Wars Day we made painted cookies. It was fun, tasty, and a great tribute to Star Wars. You can see my full Star Wars cookie tutorial at the link.
If sugar cookies aren’t your thing, just do a quick google search for Star Wars cookies, you’ll find tons of ideas for cookies you can make as a family.
Drink some blue milk
If you’ve got Star Wars cookies, you’ve got to have Star Wars milk. Add a couple of drops of blue food coloring into a glass of milk and voila, you’ve got blue milk.
Even if you don’t make the cookies, you can make some blue milk for the kids to enjoy with their breakfast.
Have a lightsaber fight to celebrate Star Wars Day
Thankfully, Star Wars day is in May so the weather is usually ideal for outdoor activities. Grab your light sabers and head out into the backyard and have an epic lightsaber battle.
I’ll admit, this isn’t something that we just do on Star Wars day. We might have done it every time a new movie has come out in the parking lot of the movie theater. Ok, I admit, we have.
Make your own lightsabers
Don’t have any toy lightsabers for your battle? Well make some!! Lightsabers are easy to make from pool noodles and duct tape. I mean really, they take less than 15 minutes, and the kids will love doing it. Here’s a DIY lightsaber tutorial to get you on your way.
Have a Nerf Gun Fight
Maybe lightsabers aren’t your family’s thing; then blasters it is! Grab your Nerf guns and head out into the back yard with your dart supply and pew-pew-pew away. Yes, you must make the sound effects as much as possible…pew…pew…pew.
Celebrate Star Wars Day with origami
Do any of your kids have the Origami Yoda Books? It’s a fun series about a middle schooler named Dwight. In each of the books there is at least one, if not more, simple origami patterns for Star Wars characters.
If you’ve got a 7 to 10 year old in your house that loves Star Wars, you really need to get one, if not all, of the Origami Yoda Files books. Wonder Boy spent hours with them. Maybe a Star Wars Day gift?
If you do have the books you know how simple it is to make any of the Star Wars origami characters from the books. Even if your books haven’t surfaced, in awhile whip them out for Star Wars Day and get together as a family at the table and make your favorite characters out of paper. The kids may even want to put on a Star Wars puppet show for you after you’ve made them.
Create Star Wars Inspired Perler Bead sprites
Maybe folded paper isn’t your family’s thing. What about Perler Beads?
You all KNOW that Perler Bead projects are my jam, and we love making Perler Bead designs of allthethings. So on Star Wars Day have your family each make their own Star Wars Perler Bead sprite. I’ve got a whole post on Star Wars Perler Bead patterns if you need some inspiration.
Work on some Star Wars coloring pages
Did you know that lol Disney has some fun printable Star Wars coloring pages. They do! Coloring is a great activity for kids of any age. So have everyone in the family pick their favorite coloring page to print on Star Wars day, and you can have fun coloring together.
Of course, if you are like us, you may already have a Star Wars coloring book and could use that instead.
MORE Star Wars crafts
Kids love crafts, so the last few fun Star Wars Day family activities have all been pretty crafty. Maybe none of them are up your alley, but I do have a whole board on Pinterest of different Star Wars Crafts. Give it a quick look-see to find out if there is another fun craft you’d like to do with your family for Star Wars Day.
I promise the rest of my Star Wars Day suggestions are not crafty at all.
Play a Star Wars board game
I know family of Star Wars fans has to have a few licensed Star Wars games on your game shelf. Get one or more of them out and have a family game night, Star Wars style.
Celebrate Star Wars Day by talking like Yoda
Challenge yourself and your kids to talk like Yoda throughout the day. The smallest of tykes may not be able to participate, but the rest of you will have fun. If you want a few phrases to get you started, try some of these:
- It’s almost dinner time = Almost dinner time, it is. Hmmmmmm.
- Let’s play a game = Play a game, let us.
- What do you want for dinner? = What want you for dinner, hmm? Yeesssssss.
- Go clean your room = Your room go clean.
Ok, I know this suggestion sounds completely ridiculous, and it is. But, you’ll get some laughs and giggles as you try to muddle your way through some Yoda speak.
Try it, you must.
Read about Star Wars
There’s got to be about as many Star Wars books as there are grains of sand on Tatooine, so why not read one, or more, to your family on Star Wars day. It’s a simple way to celebrate Star Wars Day with your family.
Freeze Han Solo in some Ice cube drinks
We’ve got some fun Star Wars ice cube trays (Amazon Affiliate Link) that we use year around, but they are perfect for Star Wars Day. Fill them up with Kool-aid, freeze the cubes, and plop them in some Sprite or 7-up for a fun treat.
Cartoon time
Maybe your kids are too young to enjoy a Star Wars movie. Perhaps they only like cartoons. Well how about watching “Forces of Destiny” or “The Clone Wars.” Not only can YOU get your Star Wars fix, but both series are a great way to introduce the smallest tykes to the Star Wars universe on Star Wars Day.
Star Wars Video Games
Does your family have a gaming system? If so, there are a myriad of Star Wars video games to choose from. I’m sure you have some in your collection. Even if you haven’t played it in a while, get out your favorite and play together.
Have a Star Wars Feast
Many years ago a friend gave us The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookie Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes. It was fun, and filled with many Star Wars themed recipes. We made a ton of the recipes. In fact, it’s the only reason Wonder Boy started eating Hamburgers. I made Han-Burgers, and he thought it was the coolest thing EVER.
But, I digress, make your own Star Wars themed feast to help your family celebrate Star Wars Day. If you don’t have a cookbook, you can always buy one. Or, I’m sure if you just search a bit on pinterest, you could find some fun themed food.
Keep it simple. Have some Han-Burgers, Hoth Dogs, and then skewer some grapes or blueberries onto a wooden skewer with a duct tape handle and call them lightsabers.
Or, if you are like us, and have a Star Wars waffle maker, make some Death Star Waffles.
Play with Legos
Legos are fun for all ages, especially Star Wars Legos. Do you know how many different Star Wars Lego sets there are? Me either, but there are a TON!! I’m sure your kids have one or more of them. Get them out and play on Star Wars Day. You can build a set you’ve never made time for, rebuild a set you love, or even run to the store and get a new Star Wars Lego set.
Check for activities in your area
Lastly, don’t forget to check your local area for fun Star Wars themed activities. You might be surprised at the family fun you’ll find. Our zoo always has a Star Wars Day where the 501st Legion comes to visit. They are dressed up, of course, and the public dresses up too. You might find something similar in your area, so it’s worth a google search.
Hopefully these 20 fun ways to celebrate Star Wars day with your family give you a bit of inspiration on how you want to spend your Star Wars Day. No matter what you plan, May the 4th be with you.

May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars Day!