Monthly Archives: October 2017

Perler Bead pumpkin decoration 1
OMG, I love Halloween! I always get giddy with anticipation each year. This year is no different. The kids have already picked their costumes, I know I’ll whip out my jedi robes, we’ve dug the decorations out of the basement, and soon enough I’ll head to the store to buy […]

How to Make a Perler Bead Jack O Lantern Candle ...

Cute emoji flower pots
Emoji’s are big with kids right now.  Heck, they even made a whole movie centered around emoji.  Making these simple emoji Perler Bead pots was so much fun, and OMG, so easy.   The kids loved making them. Plus, they turned out so cute.    This project is perfect for the […]

How to make Emoji Perler Bead Pots