Looking for the perfect gift for your Perler Bead artist. Check out these amazing Perler Bead gift ideas.
Do you have a Perler Bead artist in your life that you are trying to buy a gift for?
If so, I know it’s hard.
I’m sure you want to buy them something for the hobby they love so much but don’t even know where to start. You see the thousands and thousands of beads in their collection and think, “they can’t need more beads.” Or you don’t even understand the art enough to know which supplies they might really want. You may even be the parent of a young child who is just getting into the craft and you want to encourage their creativity.
Well this guide is here to help you find the perfect gift for YOUR favorite Perler Bead fanatic. I know that fuse bead lovers come in all shapes, sizes and ages. So I’m going to round up a great selection of items and ideas that you can buy for anyone who loves Perler Beads.
This post does contain some affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, if you see links scattered through out the post (you will), they will lead to my pick for whatever product I’m suggesting. Hopefully that will make it easier to find the items I’m discussing. Thanks for your support.
Now, let’s get started and find the perfect Perler Bead gift for your fuse bead artist.
MORE Perler Beads
Of course my obvious first choice is to buy them more Perler Beads. I’m sure that’s your obvious first choice too. BUT, you may not know exactly what beads to buy for them when it seems like they already have every color under the sun.
First and foremost, you cannot go wrong if you buy a Perler Bead artist more beads. They love beads, and will use them.
BUT, As someone who uses a lot of Perler Beads one thing I do know, is you can never have enough Black or White Perler Beads. So if you are buying for an adult who loves the hobby, you can be pretty safe buying them a bag of 6,000 black Perler Beads or a bag of 6,000 white Perler Beads.
Now, if you are buying for a child they might not ever use 6,000 Perler Beads, but if they have been working from a bucket of beads they may love to get a presorted tray of Perler Beads. These trays are great for kids because it keeps their whole color palate in one place. They can easily see what colors they have to work with when creating Perler Beads projects.
Perler Bead Pegboards
To create Perler Bead projects you need a pegboard. There are so many different kinds of Perler Bead pegboards to buy. SO, many kinds. I even have one that is shaped like a candy cane.
BUT, you are gift shopping. So I’ll stick to ones that would be universal for anyone who does the craft.
Personalized Perler Bead Ornament
If you’re shopping at Christmas time, you might want to buy them a personalized Perler Bead ornament. It would look great on the tree of any Perler Bead artist. You can even customize it with their name or any phrase that you think they would like.
Crafting Supplies
One of the biggest joys of a Perler Bead artist is turning our craft into something useful. I mean, let’s face it, if we didn’t we would just end up with a box of cute sprites that would gather dust. No matter what the age, you can turn Perler Bead sprites into something amazing with just a few crafting supplies. The few I’ve listed below are the most common things needed for Perler Bead artists. The below affiliate links lead to my top picks on Amazon.
Perler Bead Storage
Give the gift of organization to your Perler Bead lover. With lots of colors and many tiny beads, it can be a task to keep it all organized. I’ve actually written a whole post on Perler Bead Storage and Organization, so check it out for some great storage ideas.
BUT, without a doubt, my favorite of the lot is this Akro Mills storage bin (affiliate link). It is amazing because it not only holds the beads, but it also hold many accessories in it’s larger drawers.
Perler Bead T-shirt
One of my favorite Perler Bead gift ideas is this cute t-shirt with a heart of scattered beads. It’s for sale at my Zazzle store. If you want, you can even customize it to change the shirt color or make it into a sweatshirt.
Accessories for Perler Beads
There really aren’t a lot of accessories that go with the craft of beading, but there are a few. My favorite are my Perler Bead tweezers. I can’t bead without them, and you can never have too many. With kids around because tweezers always seem to go missing. There is also a Perler Bead pen to help you in placing beads, not my favorite, but my son loves it. Finally, a Perler Bead sweeper to help you clean up any beads dropped on the ground. The sweeper is a fun way for kids to easily clean up any bead disasters they may have.
Perler Bead Pattern Books
If you’re looking for Perler Bead gift ideas for a child, I highly recommend buying them a pattern book. They are chock full of good pattern ideas, and come in many different kinds. There are books with minions, minecraft, pokemon, emoji and so much more. I’ve collected some of the best Perler Bead books on my amazon interesting ideas, check them out HERE. There are also Hama bead books on my list, but they work with Perler Beads too.
Artkal Soft Beads
Artkal is a type of melting beads made in Japan. I’m sure if you are just looking for Perler Bead gift ideas, you don’t care much about them, but if you are interested, I did write a post about the differences between Perler Beads and Artkal beads. They are different.
Artkal makes two kinds of melting beads. Normal ones that work perfectly with Perler Beads, and soft Perler Beads. The soft beads are really cool. They actually bend after they are melting which makes them much more durable for frequent use. So, they are perfect for making key chains, hair clips or bracelets.
From what I see in my Perler Bead group, many Perler Bead artists want to try the Artkal soft beads, but they hesitate because they don’t want to spend the money on them. Here’s where you come in…buy them some as a gift and they get the opportunity to try them. I bought some for Wonder Boy on his birthday last year and he loved them.
Perler Bead Coffee Cup
I know I sit and work on my Perler Beads with a cup of coffee at my side, does your Perler Bead artist? If they do, you may want to consider buying them this cute Perler Bead coffee mug. It’s an easy way to say that you get their craft and their coffee addiction.
So there are my top Perler Bead gift ideas. Hopefully you were able to find something for the Perler Bead artist in your life. If not, I do have a couple of other places you can look.
First, I have a collection of Perler Bead related gifts at my Zazzle shop. There are some fun items that I didn’t already share with you. Plus they can all be customized
Secondly, I have a wish list, per se, of awesome Perler Bead items at my Amazon storefront. There are many of the things I’ve talked about today, but there is also some amazing themed kits and beading supplies.