For this week’s Funko fun photography I took Iron Man off the shelf and brought him to the park. This classic Iron Man Funko Pop was released in 2011, and is still being made today. I haven’t seen him at the store lately, but he is readily available online.

Admittedly, this photo wasn’t taken on my trip to the park, but Iron Man looks amazing.
I have to admit that until The Avengers movie came out, I never really liked comic book superheroes. Comics just weren’t my brand of geekery. The only comics I read as a kid were Donald Duck comics.
Comic heros on the big screen held so little interest for me that when I watched Captain America I fell asleep during the movie….twice.
I had to be dragged to see The Avengers. Didn’t want to go. Thought it looked stupid. Wasn’t interested in wasting my time. I had zero expectations. Zero.

Not many details on this Funko Pop Iron Man.
Holy moly, I was blown away. I loved it all! The story, the action, the humor, the characters. The Avengers movie left me wanting more. Thankfully at that time, the first two Iron Man movies had already been released. So I binge watched them. Iron Man FTW! He instantly became one of my favorite superheros.
I still don’t read many comics, but the Funko Pop Marvel Iron Man pictured is not mine. It belongs to Paige, she is over the moon for comic book superheros. Her Funko Pop collection consists mostly of comic book characters and anime characters.
Comic book Iron Man Funko Pop
You can tell by his simplicity and his yellow and red coloring that this Iron Man is based on the comics, not the movies. This one is from the Marvel series. This is my least favorite Iron Man Funko Pop. I prefer the Iron Man from the movies with his gold and red costume as opposed to the red and yellow of the classic Iron Man. Plus the detailing on the all other Funko Pop Iron Man are far superior.

This Funko Pop was made to look like the comic book Iron Man, not the one from the movies.
If you are more like me and are looking for a movie based Iron Man, Funko has no shortage of Pops to choose from. Some of them are really cool. There are even a couple that are unmasked revealing Tony Stark’s face.
How about you? Do you prefer the classic comic Iron Man or is the Iron Man from the movies more your style? Do you have any Iron Man Funko Pop? Let me know in the comments.

Iron Man Funko Pop enjoying a lovely day at the park