When it’s cold outside have fun making these 10 easy Winter Perler Bead Patterns.
If you are looking for some cute and easy Winter Perler Bead patterns, look no further. These 10 simple designs mostly fit on a small square Perler Bead pegboard so they are easy enough for even the smallest fuse bead artist.
One of the best parts of this fun craft is that it’s a perfect thing to do while you are stuck in the house on those really cold winter days. I have included a few affiliate links to great deals I’ve found on Amazon. Oh and If you are new to the world of fuse beads check out my ultimate Perler Bead beginners guide.
Before you begin, let me tell you what you WON’T find in this post. You won’t find anything related to a winter holiday. I’ve made separate posts for a couple of my favorite winter holidays, so if that’s what you are looking for, the links below will take you there.
Now that we’ve covered what you won’t find in this post, let’s get started and make some really easy winter themed Perler Bead patterns.
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Perler Bead Hockey Stick
Hockey is one of the most popular of all the winter sports. For some parts of Canada and the Northern United States, it’s a way of life. Although this simple hockey stick Perler Bead pattern is based on a traditional wooden hockey stick, you can easily customize it to suit your tastes since its the angle of the stick that makes it look like a hockey stick.
Perler Bead Fireplace
This simple fireplace made from Perler Beads is actually adapted from a 3D fireplace craft that Perler had on their website. I didn’t want to do 3D, so I just flattened it, made a couple of bead adjustments and I think it looks great. If you want to see the 3D version, you can see it here. Of all the winter Perler Bead patterns I’m sharing today, this one is my favorite because it reminds me that winter isn’t only about cold. It’s also about warming up by a cozy fire.
Perler Bead Cold Emoji
I really have fun making Perler Bead emoji. So, I couldn’t let this post pass without creating a Perler Bead cold emoji. So this cold emoji may look a little different than the one I have on my phone, but I think it’s wide eyes, blue color and rosy cheeks definitely convey…I’M COLD!!
Perler Bead Ice Skate
I remember heading to the ice rink as a kid to go ice skating. It was always so much fun. We always rented our ice skates, and this Perler Bead ice skate looks just like the ones we got at the rink. This Perler Bead ice skate also seems like it would be the perfect size to make into an ornament for your Christmas tree.
Perler Bead Snowman
Here’s a cute pattern for a snowman. I considered putting a hat on him, but then he would have been bigger than a 14×14 pegboard. So, I just rounded his head off and added a scarf. The scarf would look great in any color.
Perler Bead Hot Cocoa
We have a tradition in our house. Every time we play or work in the snow there MUST be hot chocolate. So, I didn’t think any list of Winter Perler Bead patterns would be complete without a nice hot mug of hot cocoa. I really wanted to make a kawaii mug since I see so many inanimate objects with smiley faces on Pinterest, so I did. Plus, let’s face is a warm cup of hot chocolate is really like a smile in a mug when you’ve first come out of the cold and icy outside.
Perler Bead Mitten
Let’s face it there is no chance of going out to play in the snow without bundling up for the winter weather. So, I made this cute little Perler Bead mitten as a reminder. I went with a blue mitten that has a striped design, but I do think you could even make this into a Christmas Perler Bead pattern with red and green Perler Beads. There’s also enough room on the mitten to do something other than stripes.
Perler Bead Penguin
This penguin design is very similar to the snowman pattern. BUT, he looks totally different. I wanted to point that out because I love how flexible Perler Beads can be when you use your imagination.
Another Perler Bead Snowman Pattern
Since I couldn’t fit the hat on my first Perler Bead snowman, I decided to make one that was just a head. I think he turned out really cute, but I’m not 100% on the eyes. I like the green, but they may have looked better in just black. Give it a try if you are experimenting with the colors on the snowman pattern.
Perler Bead Snowflakes
You may have noticed that I don’t have any snowflake Perler Bead patterns in this post. That’s because I hate snow. Oh, I really do, but that’s not really why there aren’t any in this post. I actually have already done a whole post JUST about making and designing Perler Bead snowflakes. Perler Bead snowflakes are so much fun to make, so do check the post out at the link above.
So there you have it! 10 amazingly easy winter Perler Bead patterns. They are perfect to make when on a cold snow day when it’s just too frosty to play outside with your kids.
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