An easy and fun craft to make with your kids. Try making this Halloween Perler Bead bowl.
I love Halloween, and I just love making easy decor for Halloween. Today, I’m going to show you how to make this cute Perler Bead bowl for Halloween.
I’ve seen melted Perler Bead bowls multiple times on Pinterest. We even made them many years ago when my kids were small. I thought the way the beads sort of drip like wax when they were melted made would look perfect for a Halloween bowl. So this Halloween, I decided to try it.
This project is so easy that your smallest crafter can make it. Of course, you will have to help out with the melting.
Supplies needed for Perler Bead bowl
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- Perler Beads
- Spray Oil
- Oven safe bowl
- Cookie sheet
Since I was making a bowl for Halloween, I used mostly orange and black Perler Beads for this project. I also used some striped Perler Beads: green/green and orange/black. I thought the striped beads gave the bowl a neat dimension. If you don’t have any striped Perler Beads, I did include a link below to the tray where I got them, they are fun to use in projects. OR just throw in a few normal green Perler Beads for an accent to your orange and black.
Crafting your Halloween Perler Bead bowl
Start by spraying your oven safe bowl with the cooking oil. This keeps your Perler bowl from sticking to your oven safe bowl so make sure you get the whole bowl covered. I used a 1 quart mixing bowl because I wanted a create a bowl that I could hold a few candies in. It really doesn’t matter the size of the bowl, it just needs to be oven safe.
Once the inside of the bowl is covered in oil, throw a couple of handfuls of beads into it. Press the beads down into the bottom of the bowl to form a single layer. They will slowly make their way up the sides of it. The idea is to have a single layer of Perler beads that covers the bottom and sides of the bowl.

The bowl before it goes into the oven.
The spray oil helps in allowing the beads to stick to the sides of the bowl. You can make your bowl as shallow or as deep as you wish; just add more Perler Beads. BUT there is a point where the beads will no longer crawl up the sides, they just kind of fall back into the bottom of the bowl.
The main goal though, is to only have one layer of beads on the bottom of the bowl.
Once you feel that you’ve got the perfect size bowl, you’re ready for the next step.
Baking your Halloween bowl
Place your bowl with beads on top of a cookie sheet and then place in an oven that is preheated to 375 degrees.
Of course, baking times will depend on how large your bowl is. I left mine in the oven for 30 minutes, but it started to melt after it had been in the oven for about 10 minutes. I would suggest just checking on your bowl every 5 minutes after the first 10. You’ll know when it’s done when all the Perler Beads look melted together.
When it’s done, take it out of the oven and let it cool. Once it’s cool, you should be able to pop it right out of the oven safe bowl that you used.
If you have any oily residue left on the bottom of your Perler Bead bowl, you can wash it with a soapy sponge.
Looking for more Perler Bead Halloween fun? Check out these posts:
10 Easy Halloween Perler Bead patterns
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