Turn your simple Perler Bead creations into something fun, like these Pac Man ghost Perler Bead pins. A great craft for you and your kids.
One of my goals for this year is to show you how to create simple items with your Perler Bead creations. Why? Because when we first started on our Perler Beading adventure, most of the completed items ended up in a box rarely to be seen again.
It was really pretty sad.
My kids would spend hours using Perler Beads only to end up sticking their finished masterpiece in a box. Over the years, we’ve gathered different ideas on ways to actually use our Perler Beads sprites. NOW, I’m going pass on some of these ideas to you.
I’ve already shown you how to turn your creations into magnets in this Minecraft Perler Bead Magnet post. But today, we’re going to make our creations into pins.
Perler Bead pins can used in many ways. The obvious choice it to put them on your shirt or jacket, but you can also add them to backpacks or shoe laces. They also make great additions to a baseball hat. If you make enough pins, you can get a wide ribbon, and pin them vertically on the ribbon to make a cute and easy room decoration. Or, if your little princess has a lot of fancy hair bows, you can pin them on to one for an added decorative touch.
Perler Bead Pins would also make a great gift, I always encourage my kids to give handmade gifts, and these would be perfect.
No matter what you do with your Perler Bead pins, it’s better than letting your or your child’s creation sit in a box.
Before we begin, let me say, that I’m making Pac-Man ghost pins. You can make any treasured Perler Bead creation into a pin, but it does have to be a pretty small sprite. Lets face it, no one wants to wear a giant pin on their coat. So, if you aren’t making the Pac-Man ghosts, make sure you are using a fairly small creation. To be safe, I’d say make sure if fits on a small Perler Bead pegboard.
So let’s begin making our Perler Bead Pac-Man ghost pins.
Supplies needed for Perler Bead pins
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- A small Perler Bead sprite
- E-6000 glue
- Bar pins
If you are new to the world of Perler Beads, check out my Ultimate Perler Bead beginners guide for all kinds of tips and tricks on creating your Perler Bead sprite.
Creating your Pac-Man ghost Perler Bead pins
If you are going to make Pac-Man ghosts for your pins, I’ve included a picture that you can use for a pattern below. I wanted to be true to the game, so you’ll see Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde. Of course, you can use any colors. My pinky was almost green because I couldn’t find any pink Perler Beads.
If you are looking for more ideas to use for Perler Bead pins, check out my Perler Bead board on Pinterest. You’ll find Perler Bead patterns of all shapes and sizes. Can also find a slew of small Perler Bead patterns here, on my website. Go to the top of the page and find the Perler Bead category, you’ll see all kinds of fun Perler Bead patterns.
Once you have your sprite ready to go, all you have to do it glue a pin on the back.
How easy is that?
I always use E6000 (affiliate link) glue when I want a project to be durable. AND I want these pins to be durable since they will probably see some action in the real world.
To glue the pin to the Pac-Man ghost, you’ll want to apply a small line of E6000 to the back of your bar pin. Then place the bar pin onto the Perler Bead sprite. If you don’t get it on straight right away, no worries. E6000 is like rubber cement and you can still move it around for about 30 minute.
Just an FYI, there is a correct way to glue on the pin so it opens and closes easier. You just want to make sure the opening to the clasp faces down.
Now comes the hard part…you wait. It does take about 24 hours for E6000 to cure. So just let your pins sit for a day before using.
So I wasn’t kidding when I said making Perler Bead pins was super easy. Think of all the pins you can create.

These Perler Bead Pac-Man ghosts make the perfect addition to Wonder Boy’s backpack.
If you are wanting more of my creative ways to use Perler Beads, please sign up for my newsletter below. Then I’ll be able to keep you in the loop with my latest craft.