10 easy Minecraft Perler Bead patterns
If you have a Minecraft fan in your life you are going to want to make some of these simple Minecraft Perler Bead patterns.
Minecraft and Perler Beads are meant to go together. Everything in the world of Minecraft is made of pixels, and guess what? Perler Beads are basically pixels. Making these Perler Bead sprites is a great way to get your kids off the game and into creating their own Minecraft world.
In this post I’ve chosen 10 simple patterns that even the smallest Perler Bead artist can create. If you don’t find a design that you want to create, I do have a post on creating Minecraft Perler Bead magnets. It has patterns to make slime, an enderman, a grass block, a diamond block and a creeper. I also have a pattern for the Minecraft heart that we used when we made Minecraft Valentines.
If you or your kids really want to get fancy, here’s a 3D pattern to make a diamond block. It’s pretty cool, but not quite as simple as all the other patterns.
The only supplies needed to make these are your basic Perler supplies. If you are new to the amazing world of Perler Beads, you may want to check out my Ultimate Perler Bead Beginners Guide to help you. Most of the patterns in this post will use a small Perler Bead pegboard. This post does contain affiliate links.
Perler Bead Minecraft Sheep
I figured I’d start with what I think is THE most important animal in Minecraft; the sheep. Without sheep in Minecraft, there would be no wool. Without wool there would be no beds. No beds mean no sleep, and without sleep you get a visit from the menacing phantom. Plus, a bed in Minecraft gives you the luxury of having your own movable spawn point.
So, sheep for the WIN!
The Minecraft Perler Bead sheep design below is very easy and small. It actually could easily be turned into a keychain if desired. Customize the color of your sheep by changing the color of the outer row of beads.
Chicken Perler Bead pattern
I can’t say that in Minecraft chicken are as important as sheep, but I can say they make a tasty snack. Plus they provide you with eggs for crafting.
I chose to make a full body Perler Bead chicken when I was making my Perler Bead design. Mostly because I love how derpy he looks. Just know if you use my pattern, the legs aren’t very sturdy, so you need to make sure that you get a very strong melt when ironing your chicken. You could also leave the legs off.
Minecraft Pig Perler Bead design
In Minecraft, the pig also makes a tasty snack. BUT, it can also be a fun mode of transportation when you’ve got a saddle and a carrot & stick.
This Minecraft Perler Bead pig pattern is really simple to make. It’s also really small. It’s the same size as the sheep. I actually am not a fan of the pink I used to make the pig, but it was the best color I had. You may have a better pink to make this oinky Perler Bead design.
Perler Bead Lava Bucket
Wonder Boy was totally triggered when he saw that I made a lava bucket instead of a water bucket. He’s said multiple times how useless the lava bucket is in the game, and how often you use water buckets in Minecraft. Eh, I can’t disagree with him.
The Perler Bead pattern for the lava bucket below can easily be changed into a water bucket by just changing the color of the red, orange and yellow beads. If they were 2 shades of blue it would be a water bucket. Problem solved.
Side note: I told him my logic, he still thought I should have made a water bucket.
Steve Perler Bead pattern
You can’t have a post about Minecraft Perler Bead patterns without a tribute to the iconic Steve. This Steve Perler Bead pattern is super simple. He’s the same size as the pig and sheep, so he’d also make the perfect key chain.
I love villages! I love the villagers in the villages! One of my favorite things to do in Minecraft is to find a village and make it a booming city filled with every type of villager. So, I just HAD to make a Villager Perler Bead sprite.
This villager pattern is simple, and he looks JUST like a villager. I did use 2 shades of brown, but if you don’t have 2 shades of brown, you can just use one. He will still be fabulous.
Perler Bead Minecraft Tools – Iron sword, pickaxe, shovel, and ax
I thought I’d wrap up this post of easy Minecraft Perler Bead patterns with some tools. Below is the pattern for an iron sword, pickaxe, shovel and ax. They are all designed with the coloring to make them look like iron minecraft tools. Why? Because while I was searching for inspiration I found very few that were iron. They were all diamond tools. So, I wanted to be different. I also rarely have those coveted diamond tools when I’m playing. Maybe I’ll have a diamond sword, but mostly I’m running with iron.
If you want to make diamond tools, you can just change the colors to blues. If you want gold tools, use yellow. You can even make enchanted tools by using purples.
The Perler Bead sword is the only one that will not fit on a small pegboard. You will need a large 29×29 board to create it. That being said, you can fit all 4 of these on one large pegboard. I’ve done that in the image below.
You may also notice that I have the pegboard on a diagonal in the picture. This angle makes them easier to create. It’s mostly because you have to skip a lot of pegs when doing it with the board tilted as a square. Even if you create the pickaxe, shovel and ax on a small pegboard you’ll I suggest angling the board.
So there you have it; 10 easy Minecraft Perler Bead patterns. I hope you found something amazing to create. Don’t forget that I also have a few patterns in this Minecraft Perler Bead magnet post if you are looking for something else.
Happy beading! If you would like to get Perler Bead ideas sent directly to your inbox, please sign up for my newsletter below. You can also follow me on Pinterest where I am always pinning fun patterns that I find.