Easy to make Star Wars Perler Bead patterns. Fun for any Star Wars fan to make.
It’s no secret that I love Star Wars. Oh my goodness, I’m obsessed with it. I’ve even got a Star Wars Crafts board on Pinterest. So, I thought it was about time that I shared some of my easy Star Wars Perler Bead patterns with you.
In this post you’ll find some of my favorite Star Wars characters: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca. There’s even a Death Star.
So let’s get started and may the Force be with you as you create these easy Star Wars patterns.
Supplies needed for Star Wars Perler Bead patterns
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To make these awesome Star Wars inspired designs, you really only need basic Perler Bead supplies: Perler Beads, pegboards, ironing paper and iron. It’s worth noting though that all of the designs do take a large square pegboard (affiliate link) unless otherwise stated. The two designs that don’t need the large pegboard, need a small round pegboard. You’ll also notice a lot of black, white, tans, and browns in the patterns. So make sure you’ve got plenty of those colors on hand.
If you are new to the world of fuse beads, you may want to check out my Ultimate Perler Bead beginners guide before you start. It has helpful tips and tricks to get you started with this amazing art form.
Stormtrooper Perler Bead Pattern
Stormtroopers come in many shapes and sizes in both the Star Wars universe and the Perler Bead universe. For Christmas I got an amazing coffee table book called “Star Wars Stormtroopers: Beyond the Armor.” (affiliate link) The book, shockingly, is all about stormtroopers. If you’re a fan of stormtroopers, I highly recommend it. The book is awesome.
Anyway, one night Wonder Boy and I were going to play with Perler Beads, and I had no clue what to make. I saw the stormtrooper book sitting there, and thought I’d make a classic stormtrooper head like on the front of the book. I love the way it turned out. This Perler Bead stormtrooper is a great size to make into a magnet. If you’ve never turned a Perler Bead design into a magnet, check out my melting bead magnet post.

Perler Bead Stormtrooper
Perler Bead Empire Logo
It’s hard to mention stormtroopers without mentioning the evil Empire. So I thought this simple Perler Bead Empire logo was a perfect fit. You’ll need a small round pegboard to make it. You can see I made it in black and white, but I also think it would look awesome in black and red. Of course, you can really make these Star Wars patterns in any color you desire.
Perler Bead Rebel Logo
Now, if you’ve got the Empire’s logo, you simply must make this Perler Bead Rebel Alliance logo. It also uses a small round pegboard.
For Star Wars Day, I used both the Rebel logo and the Empire logo to make Star Wars themed coasters. It’s really easy to turn these Perler Bead designs into coasters, so give it a try. They are the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan. Or if you’re like me, you can just keep them all to yourself.
Princess Leia Perler Bead Pattern
I’ve always loved Princess Leia. So I wanted to make a simple Leia pattern for you to easily recreate. You will need a 29 x 29 size pegboard to make her. Although I love the way she turned out, I’m not so sure if her gray shoes add anything to the pattern. So, if you make this Princess Leia Perler Bead pattern for yourself, you may want to consider taking out the gray that makes up her shoes and using white instead. She also doesn’t really need the blaster, but yeah, I wanted her to have it.

Perler Bead Princess Leia
Perler Bead Lightsabers
It wouldn’t be right to have a Star Wars Perler Bead pattern post without the iconic lightsaber because let’s face it, we all want our own lightsaber. These are simple Perler Bead lightsabers that can be made in any color that you desire. If you remove the single bead from the hilt, they would make great keychains. Just make sure you iron them well, or they might not be sturdy enough to make a key chain. If you’ve never made your projects into Perler Bead key chains before the post in the link can help.
Perler Bead Porg
I created this Porg Perler Bead pattern shortly before the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Before the movie was released I was so interested in the tiny puffin looking Porgs. Now that I’ve seen the movie, I just love them. Porgs are such a cute addition to the Star Wars universe, and now, if you make this Porg from Perler Beads, you can have a porg of your very own.
Chewbacca Perler Bead Pattern
It wouldn’t be a post about Star Wars Perler Bead patterns without the loveable Wookie Chewbacca. This Chewbacca Perler Bead design does take multiple colors of brown to complete. I only had 2 browns, but wished I had more when creating it. If you find yourself short on brown Perler Beads, check out this tray of Perler Bead neutrals (affiliate link). It contains both colors of the browns I used, it’s reasonably priced, plus it also has colors you could use as skin tones for the Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker patterns.

Perler Bead Chewbacca
Perler Bead Death Star
I’ve got to admit. This is my least favorite of all the Star Wars Perler Bead patterns I’m sharing with you today. Mostly because I’d love the look of the real Death Star, and this small pattern does not do it justice. I’m also not a fan of the green ray that is coming out of it. BUT Wonder Boy said if I was going to make the Death Star it had to have it’s death ray coming out of it. So it has a green death ray coming out of it…watch out Alderaan.
Even if it is my least favorite of all the Star Wars pattern I’m sharing with you today, I still like it…because it’s Star Wars. It may look small in comparison with some of the other Star Wars Perler Bead patterns I’ve featured today, but you’ll still need a large Perler Bead pegboard to make it.
Perler Bead Jawa
I know they are dirty scavengers who live in the desert, but I just love jawa. To me, they are so stinking cute. This is a pretty simple jawa Perler Bead pattern. He may look smaller than the rest of the Star Wars Perler Bead patterns I’ve shared, but he still needs to be done on a large pegboard.
Luke Skywalker Perler Bead Pattern
I couldn’t think of a better design to finish off this list of 10 awesome Star Wars Perler Bead patterns than one of Luke Skywalker. Right? I mean he is one of the most iconic Star Wars characters of them all. I chose to make Luke as he was first seen in the Star Wars series. For me that’s the Luke I grew to know and love.
So now you are armed with 10 easy Star Wars Perler Bead patterns. Were you looking for C3-P0 or R2-D2? Perhaps you really wanted to see a Boba Fett pattern. Maybe you just really want to make Han Solo. Yeah, I know, there are so many awesome characters in the Star Wars universe, and I only touched on a few.
Perhaps in another post. Ok, more than likely FOR SURE in another post, because I love me some Star Wars too. If you sign up for my mailing list below, I’ll be sure to let you know when I get to creating more awesome Star War Perler Bead patterns. If you just can’t wait, check out my 10 places to find Perler Bead patterns to help you out in your journey to find your perfect Star Wars design.
May the Force be with you.